Words cannot fully describe the amazing time we had at Campmeeting 2022. There was an anointing and presence of Holy Spirit that remained. Our theme this year was “You Shall Recover All” (1 Samuel 30:8). We had many anointed speakers who delivered the Word of God with both power and charisma.
Each service was opened with pre-service prayer led by George and Lucy Davis.
To start the week Sunday morning, Minister Terez Jones taught on the Name of Jesus and the power that Name holds. His teaching instructed us that when we use the Name of Jesus, we are empowered like Jesus himself, and we most definitely can use that Name to “Recover All.”
Sunday evening Pastor Robert Brownlee from Agape Baptist Church in Louisville, MS preached a powerful sermon.The title of his message was “ Beyond Your Reach”. He shed light on how, not only are we going to “Recover All,” but we also will be able to take hold of some things that we thought were beyond our reach when we apply the Word of God.
During our Monday evening service Dr. Carolyn Jones from Shekinah Glory in Oakland, MS delivered a message on developing yourself in the knowledge of God and in the Spirit of God. She taught that God has given us His wisdom and Holy Spirit so that we will not be lacking in anything and can be fruitful in life.
Tuesday morning, Minister Michelle Johnson preached that even though God wants us to “Recover All” concerning material things, even more so, He wants to recover us back to Himself. She played a song about us giving all of our worship to God. We are to give all of ourselves to God until there is no more US left, but only Him.
Pastor Cora Jones gave a Word of the Lord concerning God’s daughters Tuesday evening. God wants His daughters to know the fullness of who He is and who they are in Him. She shared that the Lord gave her the word “Regina” which means Queen and that’s what God’s daughters are to Him, “Reginas.” He’s giving all who need it a “Fresh Start” to reign in life through Jesus Christ.
On Wednesday morning Minister Lucy Davis reminded us that God is “The Good Shepherd.” He takes care of His children, and He is always with us. We are to be confident and rest in knowing that we have a Good Shepherd.
Wednesday Evening, Minister Tyrone Catledge’s message was “Let’s Change the Generation”. He preached that God thinks bigger than just us as individuals and that He thinks about generations that are to come. We are to train up the next generation after us in the “nurture and admonition of the Lord.” Then they can train up the generation after them.
Minister Tim Jones preached Thursday morning a message titled “ What Has God Said About It?” and “Whose Report Will You Believe?” The devil comes to steal, kill, and destroy, but Jesus came so that we may have an abundant life. So we are to believe what God says rather than what the devil says. Doing so, according to the Word, leads to VICTORIOUS living.
Thursday night, Minister Kenneth Jones preached a word that stepped on many people’s toes. His message was “This is What We Do” and “Get Yourself Together”. In His teaching we’re reminded that we are to always bless the Lord and that we must watch how we act. Rather than let foolish talk and anger rule our lives, we are to let praises to God be in our mouth always.
To end the week, both Friday morning and night Pastor Jimmy Jones delivered the Word. He told us that the devil has taken some things from us and we are to “Recover (them) All!” With our faith, we are to take back what the devil has stolen from us because the devil is already defeated and he has no right to our stuff. He also said that there’s a wave or move of God coming that we’ve never seen before. We have to be ready to flow with God in order to fulfill His call on our life.
We also had many anointed singers this week:
- The Brownlee Family & Mrs. Bridge Brownlee
- Mrs. Gayle Weatherspoon
- Minister Roshanda and Shekinah Glory Praise Team
- The Johnson Family
- Ms. Karen Burton
- Minister Douglas Jones
- CFC Praise Team
If you missed any of the sessions, we encourage you to visit our Facebook page and watch the recordings.
We want to give a special thank you to all who came to Campmeeting. We pray that you didn’t leave like you came and that you were truly blessed by the message(s) you heard. Thank you to all the people who helped to make Campmeeting possible. We at Branch of the Vine Christian Fellowship Church love you and once again
Thank You!
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