The Ministry
Branch of the Vine Christian Fellowship Church was organized in May of 1983 by Pastors Jimmy Jones and Cora Jones. The Lord gave Pastor Jimmy Psalm 2:8 as the scripture to establish this ministry upon. God also led Pastor Cora to 2 Corinthians 6:17-18 and clearly instructed, “Start your own church.”
When the ministry was started, its purpose was to preach salvation through the blood of Jesus Christ. Its mission was to teach being filled with the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues, to establish the principles that healing is for today and that prosperity and deliverance is available to all of God’s children. Even though the ministry has moved locations and had three different facilities, its purpose, mission, and principles are still the same.
The New Facility
Construction for our new building was started in 2005. Through much work, long hours put in by Pastor Jimmy and others, steadfast giving by church members, and faith in God we were able to build the new facility debt free. We had our first official church service in it in June of 2020 at the start of Campmeeting. Although we were able to hold church services in the new building, there were still some minor areas of the church that needed to be finished. The building was completed near the end of 2021.
In March 2022, we dedicate our new sanctuary to continue carrying out these truths that were set for this ministry almost forty years ago. We commit the new facility to spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ through any possible means. The ministry is a refuge for anyone in need. This ministry is here to help people receive Jesus as savior and Lord and understand who they are in Christ.
The new building is devoted to the ministry and Glory of God.
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