There is a NAME.
Powerful! Highly exalted!
Worthy of all honor and praise,
A Name to which every knee shall bow,
A Name above every other NAME.
It is the Name of Jesus.
Equipped with that Name,
Ready for battle you’ll be,
As you go forth, in that Name,
Setting the captives free
From the bondage of sin.
Doing as Jesus did
While here on earth he trod.
Holy Ghost anointed with power
“Doing good and healing
All that were oppressed of the devil.”*
Always obeying the voice of God
And uprooting evil.
Now, we, being well equipped with that Name,
And understanding the power that it holds,
Are going forth in that Name,
Being bold.
Proclaiming the gospel—
The Good News of Salvation
To a lost and dying world,
To this generation,
To every nation –
Then He will return KING of KING
and LORD of LORDS!
Philippians 2:9-11; Matthew 24:14; Acts 10:38
By Cora Jones
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