Merry Christmas 2024
Hello Everyone, Christmas is the time we celebrate Christ’s birth. Jesus Christ is God’s greatest gift to the world, and WHAT A GIFT HE IS!!! Glory Hallelujah! May you experience best of His love, life, peace, and joy in your life now and throughout the coming year. Let us, in the midst of all the preparations and celebrations, hustle and bustle of the season, remember Him and Rejoice in the Lord always [delight, gladden yourselves in Him]; again I say, Rejoice! Philippians 4:4 AMPC We want you to know that our family, and Christian Fellowship Church family will do the [...]
“Thanksgiving Sunday” | CFC Invite Day
Join Us for CFC Invite Day November 24 Friend, We're excited to invite you to CFC Invite Day “Thanksgiving Sunday” November 24, 2024. This day is not just about gathering--it's also about thanking God for all that He has done. CFC Invite Day isn't just any regular Sunday; it's a chance to make a difference and share the Good News that changes lives. As Thanksgiving is approaching November 28th, we want to encourage you to remember God’s faithfulness and have a heart of thankfulness. We believe that in a world full of evil, one of the best things we can [...]
Come & Experience God’s Goodness | CFC Invite Day
Join Us for CFC Invite Day September 15 Friend, We're excited to invite you to CFC Invite Day Sunday September 15, 2024. This day is not just about gathering--its about experiencing God's goodness and sharing His goodness with others. Our goal is to share the Good News with our community and beyond. We believe that in a world full of turmoil and hate, the best thing we can do is reveal to the world how good the God that loves them really is. CFC Invite Day is our opportunity to boldly proclaim God's goodness and extend a welcoming invitation [...]
Man Talk 2022
You Are Invited Man Talk 2022 "We are going HIGHER upon the Mountain to get another view." October 1, 2022 @ 4:30 pm BOVCFC | MAN TALK Camp Grounds 123 County Road 62 Houston, MS 38551 Games - Food - Fellowship - Ministry We invite all the men join us as we come together build up and fellowship with one another. Bring all the men you know - young & old and all in between. We look forward to seeing you there.
Celebrating 20 years of CAMPMEETING (Brief Campmeeting History) After attending Kenneth Hagin’s campmeeting in Tulsa, Oklahoma for many years. Pastor Jimmy Jones was inspired to hold our first Campmeeting in June 2003. The theme for our first Campmeeting was “Harvest Time for the End Times.” With anointed speakers like Reverend Watts (a former instructor at Rhema Bible Training Center in Broken Arrow, Ok), Reverend and Mrs. White (from Decatur, Al), and Reverend and Mrs. Waycaster (from Ridgeland, Ms), it was a Spirit filled meeting. It was an awesome time of worship, praise, refreshing renewal, and life changing Word. This Campmeeting [...]
The Ministry Branch of the Vine Christian Fellowship Church was organized in May of 1983 by Pastors Jimmy Jones and Cora Jones. The Lord gave Pastor Jimmy Psalm 2:8 as the scripture to establish this ministry upon. God also led Pastor Cora to 2 Corinthians 6:17-18 and clearly instructed, “Start your own church.” When the ministry was started, its purpose was to preach salvation through the blood of Jesus Christ. Its mission was to teach being filled with the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues, to establish the principles that healing is for today and that prosperity [...]
Worship | Campmeeting 2021
Do you want to encounter the omnipresence of God? The Word says that God inhabits the praises of his people. We trust that God will be in our midst as we worship and praise His holy name.Usher in the presence of God with us at Campmeeting 2021 | June 27- July 2 |.
Discover | Campmeeting 2021
Do you need liberation from the struggles and problems you are facing in your life? God has given us the victory over the Devil. We believe that you will learn how to live and walk in the freedom that God has given you.Attend Campmeeting 2021 | June 27- July 2 | to see God’s power work on your behalf.
Refresh | Campmeeting 2021
Are you ready to receive what God has in store for you? God longs to have a personal relationship with you, so He can reveal the direction for your life. We are confident that you will find out your promises in God.Join us at Campmeeting | June 27- July 2 | to learn the plans He has for you
August Announcements
In the following, we would like to share with you upcoming events at CFC. Fun Day Saturday - Aug. 11 > 9:00 a.m. Staff Meeting Saturday - Aug. 17 > 9:00 a.m. Pastors' Appreciation Sunday - Aug. 25 > 4:00 p.m.
Campmeeting 2019
C A M P M E E T I N G | 2019 _____________________________ June 16 - 21 A Supernatural Thrust of Abundance
Man Talk 2018
Campmeeting 2017
Branch of the Vine Christian Fellowship Church Presents Campmeeting 2017 "Beholding His Presence" Psalm 16:11 Five Days and Six Nights of power-packed and spirit-enriching Word featuring an eclectic line-up of mighty speakers. Don't miss this opportunity to enrich your spirit and empower your life. Come and see what God has in store for you. June 18 - 23 @ Christian Fellowship Church 123 County Rd 62 Houston, MS 38851 Sunday: 10:00am / 6:00pm Monday: 7:00pm Tuesday: 10:00am / 7:00pm Wednesday: 10:00am / 7:00pm Thursday: 10:00am / 7:00pm Friday: 10:00am / 7:00pm We Look Forward To Seeing You There
Christmas Greetings
May the true blessings of Christmas be yours now and throughout the new year. Matthew 1:23 KJV Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call his name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is, God with us.
Youth Explosion 2015
Get Ready for the Explosion!!!
Pastor Tracy Harris Coming to Town
Branch of the Vine Christian Fellowship Church Presents God's Greater Glory Meeting With Pastor Tracy Harris April 19-20, 2015 @ 7:00pm So, come and join us for God's manifested presence, God's manifested power, and God's manifested goodness. God's Greater Glory is on the move!!!
Missionary Bryan & Keren Sally
Sunday, August 17 2014 @ 10:00 AM, Missionary Bryan & Keren Sally will be joining us for our regular morning service.
Bishop & First Lady Appreciation
Branch of the Vine Christian Fellowship Church is proud to announce the Celebration Event of the Year. For 31 years of dedication and service, we are showing our appreciation for our Bishop and First Lady Jimmy & Cora Jones on August 31, 2014 @ 3:00 pm. Special guest minister will be Bishop C. L. Parks of the Temple of Compassion and Deliverance in Tupelo, MS. Bishop & First Lady Appreciation @ Branch of the Vine Christian Fellowship Church, we look forward to seeing you there.
Youth Explosion 2014
Come one, Come all!!! Youth Explosion @ CFC is coming. Bring your teens, bring your children for a Holy Ghost time full of music, fun, and well . . . BOOMING time in the Lord. So, on July 25th and 26th @ 7:00 pm, CFC invite you to come and see what real fun is all about.
Christian Fellowship Church is happy to announce that we will be hosting a vacation bible school event on July 21st - 24th.
Camp Meeting 2014
Camp Meeting 2014 is almost upon us. Christian Fellowship Church invites you to join both our day and night services for some powerful impartation. It is a time of refreshing. It is a time for elevation. It is a time to experience God from Glory to Glory. So, don't miss this opportunity for great singing, teaching, and preaching of the rich Word of God and the anointing that flows forth.
Fun Day: Update
Due to Weather Fun Day at CFC has been postponed to June 7, 2014. We apologize for the inconvenience, but we invite you all join us for a day of food, fun, and fellowship. That June 7, 2014 on the grounds of Branch of the Vine Christian Fellowship Church.
Fun Day
May 31 starting at 11 am, CFC is hosting a fun day for anyone that would like to come. We encourage you to bring your kids, your relative, and even your neighbors for a free food, lots of games, and an all around good time. So that May 31 2014 on the grounds of CFC starting at 11:00 AM. We look forward to seeing you there.