Confessions | FtPD August 2022 Summary
This is the last lesson in a series on the “Confession of Your Faith”. Learn to hold fast to the confession of faith without wavering. Confession means saying what God says about you and your situation. Say it because God can’t lie. Therefore no word of God will return to Him void. When I became a believer I joined the family of the redeemed. I have learned to talk like a Holy Ghost filled, fire baptized child of the living God. I hold fast to saying what God says about me. Revelation 12:11 KJV states “They overcame him [...]
Confessions | FtPD July 2022 Summary
The right confessions are very important. In this series we’re talking about the confession of faith in the Word of God and the place it holds for the believer. In order to understand the importance of confessing the Word, you need to understand that God said a thing and it was. When God created this world, He spoke (confessed) or declared everything into existence (Genesis 1). We also have to learn to speak what we believe based on the Word. The Bible tells us “Seeing then that we have a great High Priest who has passed through the heavens, Jesus [...]