El Shaddai | Bishop Jimmy Jones | BOVCFC Sunday Sermon
SKU: A-241229-S-1
More Than Enough | Bishop Jimmy Jones | BOVCFC Sunday Sermon
SKU: A-241222-S-1
We Must Learn to Pray | Bishop Jimmy Jones | BOVCFC Wednesday’s Lesson
SKU: A-241218-W-3
Merry Christmas 2024
Hello Everyone, Christmas is the time we celebrate Christ’s birth. Jesus Christ is God’s greatest gift to the world, and WHAT A GIFT HE IS!!! Glory Hallelujah! May you experience best of His love, life, peace, and joy in your life now and throughout the coming year. Let us, in the midst of all the preparations and celebrations, hustle and bustle of the season, remember Him and Rejoice in the Lord always [delight, gladden yourselves in Him]; again I say, Rejoice! Philippians 4:4 AMPC We want you to know that our family, and Christian Fellowship Church family will do the [...]
Importance Of Praise | Bishop Jimmy Jones | BOVCFC Wednesday’s Lesson
SKU: A-241211-W-3
Strong In The Lord | Bishop Jimmy Jones | BOVCFC Sunday Sermon
SKU: A-241201-S-1
The Benefits of Knowing God | Bishop Jimmy Jones | BOVCFC Sunday Sermon
SKU: A-241124-S-1
A Sent Word That Never Fails | Bishop Jimmy Jones | BOVCFC Sunday Sermon
SKU: A-231231-S-1
God’s Gift To The World | Bishop Jimmy Jones | BOVCFC Sunday Sermon
SKU: A-231224-S-1
Not Just a Hi Ho Christmas | Poet’s Corner
Santa, what will you bring? It’s not just a high ho, Christmas Playing the gift-giving game. It is so much deeper than that As important as “that” is (to us). It’s a Christmas to celebrate Jesus The gift that our Father God did give. He was born in a lonely manger On a cold winter night To the Virgin Mary Because she and Joseph had to take flight From their home; going to Jerusalem, There their taxes to pay, As did all the other people Who traveled along that way. So all the sleeping places And all the inns [...]
Christmas Poem | Poet’s Corner
From God To You: Celebrate Jesus I, myself, in the form of a baby In a manger born To the virgin Mary Joseph’s very first Son. I prepared (ahead of time) The stable and the manger Where He would lie Wrapped in swaddling cloths (But unwrapped on the cross When it was time to die.) He grew in wisdom and knowledge All that I am I infused into Him. Temptations came day by day, But He bowed a knee to not a one of them Because He often came away alone to pray Therefore the vision of [...]
A Faithful Member | Pastor Cora Jones | BOVCFC Sunday Sermon
SKU: A-231217-S-1
Having What You Say (3) | Bishop Jimmy Jones | BOVCFC Wednesday’s Lesson
SKU: A-231213-W-3
Having What You Say (2) | Bishop Jimmy Jones | BOVCFC Sunday Sermon
SKU: A-231210-S-1
Continue To Worship | Pastor Cora Jones | BOVCFC Wednesday’s Lesson
Having What You Say (1) | Bishop Jimmy Jones | BOVCFC Sunday Sermon
Shall Not Be Moved | Bishop Jimmy Jones | BOVCFC Wednesday’s Lesson
SKU: A-221221-W-3
Why Christmas?
What is this big day all about? During this time people give gifts, come together with family, and put up Christmas decorations. A great number of things are done on or around this day. Why? Genesis 1:1 says, “In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.” Genesis 1:26-27 let’s us know, 26 “… God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that [...]
God Loves You | Pastor Cora Jones | BOVCFC Sunday Sermon
SKU: A-221218-S-1
I Will Not Be Moved | Bishop Jimmy Jones | BOVCFC Wednesday’s Lesson
SKU: A-221214-W-3
I Shall Not Be Moved | Bishop Jimmy Jones | BOVCFC Wednesday’s Lesson
SKU: A-221207-W-3