
Shut Your Mouth And Pray | Poet’s Corner

October 1, 2024|Categories: Articles, Poetry|Tags: , , |

A poem based on the sermon the Lord gave me. He gave these words on the spur of the moment after I had preached about offenses the night before. Started writing at 10:32 p.m.   I heard a sermon one day That told me to shut my mouth and pray And don’t spout off my anger saying hurtful words so unholy Because those words bring God no glory.   Long story short— I heard it with my heart, But my mind and my emotions Wanted no part in taking not offense.   When someone rubs me the wrong way with [...]

What Easter Means To Me | Poet’s Corner

March 19, 2024|Categories: Articles, Poetry|Tags: , , , |

I’m a young girl As you can plainly see. I want to tell you What Easter means to me.   I like the Easter baskets, And the Easter bunnies, too. I like the Easter egg hunts. They are fun things to do.   (Added: I also like the new Sunday clothes— Dressing up as pretty as I can be. I like the new shoes on my feet, And the bows in my hair. Just take a look at me. But if that was all I liked about Easter, It wouldn’t be fair to Jesus.)   So I really like Easter [...]

Not Just a Hi Ho Christmas | Poet’s Corner

December 20, 2023|Categories: Articles, Poetry|Tags: , , , |

Santa, what will you bring?  It’s not just a high ho, Christmas  Playing the gift-giving game.  It is so much deeper than that  As important as “that” is     (to us). It’s a Christmas to celebrate Jesus  The gift that our Father God did give.    He was born in a lonely manger  On a cold winter night  To the Virgin Mary  Because she and Joseph had to take flight  From their home; going to Jerusalem, There their taxes to pay,  As did all the other people  Who traveled along that way.  So all the sleeping places  And all the inns [...]

Christmas Poem | Poet’s Corner

December 20, 2023|Categories: Articles, Poetry|Tags: , , , |

From God To You: Celebrate Jesus   I, myself, in the form of a baby In a manger born To the virgin Mary Joseph’s very first Son.   I prepared (ahead of time) The stable and the manger Where He would lie Wrapped in swaddling cloths (But unwrapped on the cross When it was time to die.)   He grew in wisdom and knowledge All that I am I infused into Him. Temptations came day by day, But He bowed a knee to not a one of them Because He often came away alone to pray Therefore the vision of [...]

Satan Lost Again | Poet’s Corner

September 6, 2023|Categories: Poetry|Tags: , , , |

I was lost Deeply entrenched in sin. But one day I heard the gospel. Then down on my knees And in my heart I repented of my sins.   I called on the name of Jesus, Confessed with my mouth What my heart believed And in just an instant Into the kingdom of God I was received As I made Jesus Christ my Savior and Lord.   Satan lost when he had Jesus crucified Hanging Him on that cruel cruel cross. But Jesus rose again VICTORIOUS! That was satan’s great and fateful loss.   So in my life he thought [...]

The Faith Fight | Poet’s Corner

July 12, 2023|Categories: Poetry|Tags: , , |

THE FAITH FIGHT 1 Tim 6:12 KJV Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life, whereunto thou art also called, and hast professed a good profession before many witnesses.   Fight the good fight of faith. Lay hold on eternal life. Join with other believers Who have confessed hope in Christ.   Live fully your confession. As many have heard you say That you are ready to follow the way of righteousness, Godliness, faith, love, and patience each day.   Fill your heart with God’s Word By hearing and hearing again and again. As your faith grows [...]

Poet’s Corner | CFC Called to Be

May 28, 2023|Categories: Articles, Poetry|Tags: , , |

  CFC Called to Be A light in the world  that shines brighter  than the noonday sun. Full of Holy Ghost power That keeps the devil on the run. Resisting his tactics and watching him flee As demons say (to each other) "Let's go; they're from that church, CFC.  CFC called to have the Fullness of Christ in our life-- Shinning brighter  than the noonday sun, So that others can see in us, Jesus Christ the Savior, The Holy One Who died to set all men free  (who believe and receive Him) And by following our words, our deeds, our [...]

Poet’s Corner | A Day Without Writing

February 22, 2023|Categories: Articles, Poetry|Tags: , |

A day without writing is like a day Without the breath of God flowing  From the tip of my pen. In the end, A stunted day Without growth.  A day of writing is a day Where the breath of God is pouring Forth in vividly descriptive words  Penning forth what the Writer has heard  From the heart of the Father God. What did the Writer hear? Many a word of love and compassion, And also words of rebuke and strong correction. Words of salvation and full forgiveness For the repentant heart. Words of Love abounding— And on God’s part Never [...]

Poet’s Corner | Love

September 15, 2022|Categories: Articles, Poetry|Tags: , |

It ends in Love. It began in Love. Faith carries you      through by Love. You are a child of Love. I love you with an      Everlasting Love. Start expressing that Love. Make it sure in Me. Decide Once and for always      To be free      To Love Me. The Lord God      who is Love.   Colossians 3:2-3 By Cora Jones ©️

Poet’s Corner | Glorious Morning

July 20, 2022|Categories: Articles, Poetry|Tags: , , |

What a glorious morning. What a glorious day. What a miracle of life! What a price Jesus had to pay!   What a love extended To a world lost in sin. What a precious salvation For all who are born again.   What a heart of gratitude I give to You today, For the miracle of life Because of the great price Jesus had to pay – for my salvation.   Oh, what a gift! What a life I can live. What good news I can tell About what a love God gives   To the world lost in sin [...]

Poet’s Corner | THE NAME

May 27, 2022|Categories: Articles, Poetry|Tags: , , , |

There is a NAME. Powerful! Highly exalted! Worthy of all honor and praise, A Name to which every knee shall bow, A Name above every other NAME. It is the Name of Jesus.   Equipped with that Name, Ready for battle you’ll be, As you go forth, in that Name, Setting the captives free From the bondage of sin.   Doing as Jesus did While here on earth he trod. Holy Ghost anointed with power “Doing good and healing All that were oppressed of the devil.”* Always obeying the voice of God And uprooting evil.    Now, we, being well [...]

Poet’s Corner | OUR PASTOR

April 4, 2022|Categories: Articles, Poetry|Tags: , , , |

Bolder than a lion, Fearless as can be Known around town As one who sees what others cannot see. Always thinking Always moving Always making plans for something new. Lover of the Savior, Jesus being truly Lord, Living with the favor Of man and of God. Filled with the word of faith Moving out by God’s grace. Builder, architect, designer Of buildings, and of lives Erecting a sanctuary while preaching Jesus Christ. Always an idea Forming in heart and mind, Never backing to the rear Even in hard times. The Lord says: Keep growing and going Bold fearless Son. Keep [...]

Poet’s Corner | The Good Gift

February 21, 2022|Categories: Articles, Poetry|Tags: , , , |

The good gift The perfect gift Is what God gives    from above.  It comes down From the Father of lights Who is stable, unchanging, With whom is no shadow of turning.  Who Himself is Love.    Who brought us to himself With the word of truth.  Who made us His own  Through the good gift  Of love from above Who made us the first fruits of his creatures The favorites and The crown of His creation  With His God-image features  Of the Holy One. Provided for us The greatest  good gift—SALVATION Through the gift of His Son.  That is God  [...]

Poet’s Corner | Holy Bible

February 7, 2022|Categories: Articles, Poetry|Tags: , , |

Holy Bible, Holy Book Open it up and take a look into New revelations that await you there Read. Read it thoughtfully and with much prayer   Find within its pages all you need Salvation, peace, joy, prosperity, And a way to live and succeed Find in it Life evermore   Holy Bible, Holy Book Word of God that took Generations to write and record Proclaiming Jesus is Lord. Holy Bible, Holy Book Holy Word of God.             Open it.             Take a look into           [...]

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