Nurture The Inner-Man

The Word Brings Enlightenment And Hope For A Brighter Day

“Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.”

In order to grow as a Christian and walk in the fullness of all that God has to offer, it is important to gain a deeper understanding of the Word. The promises that God has for you are hidden away for you to discover, but only if you are willing to seek them diligently. Therefore, we invite you to partake of the material collection below so that you can know who you are in Christ, and understand all the the things God has in store for you.

Written Inspirations


The Bible teaches us that as believers that we abide by instructions given to us from the Almighty. Below, we have a comprehensive selection of articles the goal of providing you with an assortment of powerful lesson that you may grow stronger in the Word.

Audible Impartation


As believers, we are to be both hearers and doers of the Word. Hearing the Word is a vital test for us to operate in our authority & righteousness, to walk in faith, to know the will of the Father.
Below you can find a collection of recent video and audio captures of sermons and bible lessons Pastor Jones and other providing powerful and insightful delves into the Word of God.

Precious Holy Spirit (article 2)

February 17, 2021|0 Comments

[Continued from article 1] Now let’s look at verse 17 in the Amplified. John 14:17 AMPC 17 “The Spirit of Truth, Whom the world cannot receive (welcome, take to its heart), because it does not [...]


August 3, 2019|0 Comments

     In this statement the word Love is a noun. So, since God is Love, then Love is who God is. If you are already born again, be encouraged. If you are not saved, you [...]

The Love of God

July 10, 2019|0 Comments

Many things are said about God. Some will try to have you to believe that there are other gods that are true gods and that these gods can give you life. But God said He [...]

Sermon Series: Love – pt 1

June 14, 2017|0 Comments

I want to talk about LOVE by going through the scripture to the old and the new covenant. The text for the is series is Matthew 22:36-40. To get a better understanding, however, I will [...]


December 12, 2015|Comments Off on THE GOODNESS OF GOD

How good is God? Can anyone measure the goodness of God? Can anyone measure the height of his goodness? Can anyone find the depths of His goodness? Can anyone compare to God and how good [...]

A G.O.D Conference

November 4, 2015|Comments Off on A G.O.D Conference

A G. O. D. (Gathering of Daughters) Conference Sermon: "The Call" I.   A word from God about Himself Isaiah 57:15 MSG I am the high and holy God, who lives forever. I live in a [...]

Live Your Life Through the Word

July 18, 2015|Comments Off on Live Your Life Through the Word

The life you chose to live is ultimately up to you. Since everyone will to choose one of two ways to live life, I believe the first and best way is to live it through the word of God. You will have help when you choose God's way.


August 16, 2014|Comments Off on A FAITHFUL AND COVENANT KEEPING GOD

Once we realize how faithful God is, then we must be able to grasp the fact that we can commit everything to Him. We can gain a confidence in our heart as we eagerly trust Him for every thing in every situation. As we understand his faithfulness, will realize that we can live a life filled with victory and joy and peace through Jesus Christ our Lord.

Pray Without Ceasing

June 1, 2014|0 Comments

We live in a very chaotic world. It seems that there is trouble and devastation on every hand. As a result, many have become stressed and fearful. Some have even concluded that God doesn't care, or that He’s a destroyer, or just does whatever mean thing He pleases. That’s far from the truth.

The New Birth

June 1, 2014|0 Comments

The new birth is a reality. You must experience it in order to get what heaven has to offer you. Yes, YOU MUST BE BORN AGAIN. The new birth of the human spirit. (You may have heard your spirit referred to as your soul.) To be born again, you must believe: